I.B.N. Savio is controlled by the parent company F&S Holding S.r.l., a wholly Italian enterprise.
The Savio Group, composed of four totally Italian companies, operates in the pharmaceutical field, covering different areas:
from development to manufacturing, distribution and scientific information to the medical class.

I.B.N. Savio was created in 2014 with the main goal of containing all the MAs, and more generally all the products, belonging to sister companies, together with all the people working to manage and develop them.
Afterwards the company has also become distribution and sales center for all the products promoted on the Italian market by the other companies of the Group.
Today I.B.N. Savio is strongly involved in selling on foreign markets, together with developing more and more innovative products.

I.B.N. Savio’s mission is to ensure people a longer, healthier and happier life by offering safe and effective medicinal products.
We pursue this goal with commitment, enthusiasm and a strong sense of responsibility towards the real exigencies of our partners, whether patients, professionals, distributors or institutions.
Our actions are aimed at finding and successfully addressing new challenges beyond usual corporate requirements by setting ambitious targets implicating exploration and creation of new development and expansion paths.
We try to be innovators in all the activity areas of our daily work, proactively anticipating events and requirements, identifying growth options and constantly proposing alternative solutions.
Our behaviour must always respect people and environment as well as our social, legal and environmental responsibilities as professionals and as members of the society as a whole.
As a team we aim at acquiring greater skills and competence by adopting a constant focus on personal and professional progress, thus contributing to ensure our Company’s growth.
We are ready to accept and to adapt to a changing environment, to quickly modify our actions when situations require and to assume tasks and functions different from those we usually perform.
The company’s Administrative Body has adopted the Code of Conduct of F&S Holding Srl
The Code of Conduct also represents a governance instrument and is an integral part of the Company’s “Model of Organisation, Management and Control” for the protection from incriminations according to Legislative Decree n. 231/2001 with reference to the Company’s administrative responsibilities.

I.B.N. SAVIO , being aware to play a role in the creation of a more and more modern Health system for the benefit of Citizens’ health, models its conduct on principles of ethics and transparency.
EFPIA Code (Code about the Transparency of Value Transfers among Pharmaceutical Companies, Healthcare Professionals and Healthcare Organisations)
Based on the ethical principles driving its actions and in order to satisfy the more and more pressing and continuous expectations of legality and transparency expressed by both Citizens and Institutions, I.B.N. SAVIO has adhered with conviction to the EFPIA Code (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations), whose contents have been included in the Code of Conduct of Farmindustria.
The correct and positive relationship established between Pharmaceutical Industry and Healthcare Professionals (HCP: Healthcare Professionals) and/or Healthcare Organisations (HCO: Heathcare Organisations) has always lead to research and develop innovative therapies, aimed at safeguarding one of the fundamental and constitutionally guaranteed Citizens’ rights, i.e. the right to health.
In fact, it is useful to highlight that the Transfers of Value between the pharmaceutical Industry and the medical Community, which the EFPIA Code refers to, cannot and should not be exclusively considered as transfers of economic nature; they also convey the mutual transfer of a much important value, i.e. the scientific knowledge, for the benefit of Citizens/Patients.
The cooperation between pharmaceutical Industry, healthcare Operators and healthcare Organisations, already well regulated by the current legislation, becomes even more transparent thanks to the application of the EFPIA Code.
Such further transparency in relationships shall consolidate the basis for the future collaborations and lead to further benefits for Citizens/Patients that, having the opportunity to know the contents of such relationships, shall be in the condition to:
• receive the proposed treatments with greater trust and awareness;
• overcome the prejudices and concerns, always present in the public Opinion when a reference to economic relationships (Transfers of values) is present within the Health system.
I.B.N. SAVIO therefore commits itself to yearly publish on its company website all the direct or indirect economic transfers (Transfers of value), both in cash or kind, made to Healthcare Operators and/or healthcare Organisations the year before.
The Transfers of Value, which data publication is requested for, are those relative to the participation to Events (Conventions, Congresses, Visits to production plants…), consulting and professional services, donations and contributions, research and development (clinical, non-clinical and observational trials).
For year 2021, please see the relative TABLE
For year 2022, please see the relative TABLE
For year 2023, please see the relative TABLE
The data publication is made on an individual basis.
In case an Operator denies the formal authorisation to data publication, according to the current regulations on privacy, I.B.N. SAVIO publishes the data in an aggregate form.
All the Transfers of Value are expressed in Euros (€).
The payments made for services, sponsorships, contributions, donations and other services in general, are recorded with reference to the year in question (calendar year) and are usually expressed net of VAT.
In case a withholding tax is applied, the same is included.
Other typologies of payments such as those made for services related to Travel and Accommodation (travel documents, hotels and so on) should be intended including VAT to the extent permitted by law.
Code of Conduct of Farmindustria
I.B.N. SAVIO considers it essential to have ethical, loyal and transparent relationships with all its interlocutors, either healthcare Operators, Institutions, Citizens, Collaborators or commercial Partners. Based on this, the Company operates in the respect of applicable laws and regulations, of professional ethics, of internal regulations; it is a member of Farmindustria and fully complies with the contents of the Code of Conduct of this association.
“Whistleblowing” report for Savio Group Companies (Farmaci & Salute Holding S.r.l. – I.B.N. Savio S.r.l. – Savio Industrial S.r.l. – Farmaceutici Caber S.r.l. – Savio Pharma Italia S.r.l.)
The Savio Group, in compliance and in pursuant to the provisions referred to in Legislative Decree no. 24 of March 10, 2023, implementing Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 23, 2019, on the protection of persons reporting breaches of Union law and national legislation, has implemented a “Whistleblowing” Reporting System containing detailed indications of the subject matter of the reports, as well as the related channels and operational methods for making reports concerning violations of national legislation and EU legislation that harm the public interest or the integrity of the Savio Group.
The key points are outlined in the Information and operational guidelines on whistleblowing prepared by the Savio Group. The processing of the reporter’s data is specified in the Privacy Policy with the corresponding Consent for processing personal data of the reporter to be sent completed to the Reporting Officer “Whistleblowing". The “Whistleblowing” reporting management system involves the use of an IT platform managed with full respect for the protection of the reporter’s identity.
The platform allows for reporting, even anonymously, violations, alleged or known, of rules, laws, procedures, company policies, as well as unlawful behaviors, ensuring the maximum confidentiality of the reporter.
To make a report through the online platform “EQS Integrity Line Professional", the link to be used is